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Te Moana o te Aroha (the ocean of love)

A collaboration with young people attending Target Alternative Education Centre in West Auckland.

‘Target, once a place that no parent wanted to send their child for fear of violence and bad influences, is now a centre that is recommended to many families as a safe, positive and successful experience for at risk youth.’ Manuela Adams, Target Education Teacher and Leader.

Te Moana o te Aroha was a collaboration with young people attending Target Alternative Education Centre in Henderson, West Auckland. Over two school terms, students creatively renovated two spaces at Target. A grim-looking, graffiti-covered, cigarette-butted alleyway which people used as a space in which to smoke and “do their naughty stuff” was transformed into colourful cared-for space where students hung out during breaks, rather than wander the town centre and get into trouble. A little used drab indoor space with boarded up windows was transformed into a bright and breezy classroom for creative ventures.

The project was transformational in building positive relationships, growing leadership skills, and supporting students’ overall educational engagement and achievements.

Partnership between Waitakere Alternative Education Consortium, Target Education and Toi Ora Trust.

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*The stories, experiences and artworks shared on this website are intended for illustrative and informational purposes. To protect the privacy and confidentiality of individuals, all names and identifiable details have been changed. Copyright © Breathing Space Charitable Trust (reg. CC62282)

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