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With Wonder Art Boxes

Designed in collaboration with notable New Zealand artists and registered art psychotherapists

With Wonder is a social enterprise helping people to enjoy all of the feel-good feels that come with making art and being creative.

Each edition of With Wonder contains four unique activities designed in collaboration with notable New Zealand artists. Inside you'll find step-by-step guides and all of the materials you need to begin your own creative endeavours.

Designed on an evidence-based, art therapy framework, the activities help users to consider their thoughts and feelings in a safe therapeutic context.

Profits from the sale of our art boxes are used to distribute free boxes directly to health and community organisations with young people in their care and provides at-risk young people with one-on-one and group therapy sessions. 

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*The stories, experiences and artworks shared on this website are intended for illustrative and informational purposes. To protect the privacy and confidentiality of individuals, all names and identifiable details have been changed. Copyright © Breathing Space Charitable Trust (reg. CC62282)

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